

Family Tax Recovery values Corporate Partners as key in facilitating wide-spread wealth enhancement for Canadian taxpayers.
Canada has approximately 30 million taxpayers. We estimate $30 billion in CRA refunds and credits are available to these taxpayers.

Employers and Unions:

Provide a benefit to your employees that may make a significant impact. The average refund is $2,500. To working Moms and Dads, that could make a significant financial difference in their lives. There is no cost to Employers and Employees are only charged a fee after they have received a CRA refund or credit.

“60 percent of those 11 teachers received an average refund of $4,306 per family. None of the families were previously aware they had CRA refunds available.”
‘R’ Dovid Engel
The Toronto Cheder Boys School

Charities and not-for-profits:

There is no cost to you, and we often reduce our fee or give back a portion of our fee to you.

“Family Tax Recovery is offering 10 year tax reviews to identify possible refunds or credits that individuals and families may have missed when filing tax returns, a service that is typically not affordable for low-income families. This review is provided at no cost unless funds are recovered.”
Anglican Diocese of Toronto


Please contact us regarding our robust and profitable affiliate program details.

Bankruptcy Trustees:

All CRA refunds are directed to the estate. Trustees can increase the estate value at no cost. We charge our fee after the Trustees receive the CRA refund or credit.

Contact Corporate Partners Department

We are looking forward to speaking with you.

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